
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

T-Mobile Gets the Nexus 7

     WARNING: Excessive use of the number '7' in this post.   

 I apologize that this post is behind schedule, but I was unable to blog yesterday. Many of you already know, but I wanted to share my thoughts on this. This post won't be to long, but it might be interesting. T-Mobile recently announced that they would be selling the Google Nexus 7 with a sim slot in it. This means a data connection 24/7, no matter where you are. I received a Nexus 7 not to long ago for Christmas, and I have fallen in love. As an avid user of this tablet, I personally think that it would be absolutely AMAZING to have a data connection everywhere that I go. Even with smartphones ( which I am getting a new one come February 14th) tablets just have an edge. Especially the Nexus 7 with it's 7 inch form factor. With this 'edge' that the tablets seem to have over the smartphones, and the accessibility factor that a 7 inch tablet has, this new option is great.
      My thoughts on this are simple. It's a great way for T-Mobile to get new customers, and a great way to get their existing customers to stick around. Yes, I do have T-Mobile. This is definitely not my network of choice, but I don't have much choice until next month. Although with the Nexus 4 also being offered in a different way through T-Mobile, I may be renewing my contract just once more. Chances are that I will not though, and will be going to the unlocked way of life. It's cheaper, and it gives me freedom! I apologize for the tangent, but those are my thoughts. Simple, and straight to the point.

1 comment:

  1. I subscribed!!
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    Gearpop Signature.

    Great video. Good luck with your giveaway.
