
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dual Booting: Ubuntows

Ubuntows: 1. The product of dual booting Windows and Ubuntu Linux on the same PC. (noun)
                    2. The act of dual booting Windows and Ubuntu Linux on the same PC. (verb)

     What do you get when you dual boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux? You get Ubuntows! (This is how I will refer to this from here on out).
      Ubuntows makes for a great machine. The official name for this process is Windows Ubuntu Installer, or WUBI for short. But I prefer Ubuntows, it's catchier. I am an avid Windows user, but I have heard many good things about Ubuntu, so I decided to give it a try. The main reason for this was the announcement of the Ubuntu phones. I didn't want to be completely clueless when it came time to pick up one of these fine products. Anyways, I have had this operating system for less than a day, and I am already falling in love. Many people run Ubuntu as their only operating system, but I am not accustomed enough to it, nor do I want to give up Windows 7.
       With an Ubuntows PC, I can easily switch between Windows 7 and Ubuntu simply by restarting my computer. The accessibility factor is one of the biggest 'turn-ons' of this option. Some of the applications that I have installed on Windows took 4-5 hours to download and I most definitely DO NOT want to go through that again. Yes, I know you can use the WINE process through the terminal in Ubuntu to gain access to some windows applications, but that is a lot of trouble when there is an alternate option available.
        When I want to get a file over here to Ubuntu, all I need to do is restart my computer, plug in my USB, place the files I want to transfer onto that USB, and then just switch over to Ubuntu. If you were only running Ubuntu, this wouldn't be an issue. In my case though, I have my entire life on Windows. And I do mean my ENTIRE life. In deciding to go down the Ubuntows road, I saved myself an immense amount of time. No backup, and no restore or file conversion. Nothing. So moral of the story is: For anybody deciding to make the switch from Windows to Ubuntu, please (for your own sake), make the smart choice. Go Ubuntows.                                                                                          "I'm Jalen, and I approve this message." SOPER 2013(c)

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