
Monday, January 14, 2013

Gadgetech Video/Blog Series

Hey guys. Most of you know that i am in to technology (obviously), but a lot of you do not know that I am very into gadgets. More so than anything else. By gadgets I mean phones, tablets, cases, accessories, etc. There are a TON of 'gadgets' in just those four categories, and it can be hard to find the best ones for you. Take Bluetooth keyboards for example. I have a Nexus 7 (actually I created this post on there), and I wanted to find the best keyboard for me, but there were just so many choices. I mean literally hundreds of search results on amazon. So, I searched. And searched. Then I took a food break, and I continued to search some more. After what seemed like endless hours of searching, I finally narrowed it down to two keyboards. The Minisuit for the Nexus 7, and the Logitech 920-003390 Tablet Keyboard. I don't want you guys to go through the same trouble. So I am going to start a video and blog series about the best gadgets for your devices called "Gadgetech". I mean hands on reviews, unboxings, and more........ OH and maybe the best part of this series... if I don't own the device that this gadget goes to, I will be giving away that case or whatever it may be FREE OF CHARGE! And if it's not something I can get my hands on (and even if i can) I'll leave the link to the page where you can buy it. Enjoy!
Please comment with your opinions and ideas!
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