
Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday's Post: Design Page Teaser

      There will be no actual tech news today, but expect it every other day this week! I have a lot planned! Today is just a little bit of a teaser pic. Like I said yesterday, I plan on releasing my dedicated design page on Friday! It is coming along quite nicely, very sleek, and clearly displays my work in a variety of different ways. Not only the format which you see in this teaser, but 5 different layouts for the page, all rolled into one! You get to personally decide how you want my site to look on your own devices! There is also a brand new mobile layout. Here is the teaser pick of just one of the styles that you will be able to choose from.

NOTE- This page is not complete, so it is a bit empty. But that's the joy of a teaser! Watermark front and center!

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