
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pebble Smartwatch: First Glance


       E-ink! Wait, E-paper... I always get confused by the two, but the Pebble Smartwatch sure makes the difference stick in my head! The Pebble has a rock solid chance of shooting to the top of the tech charts! See what I did there? This new device has made a huge impression on the tech community. With HUGE support by the tech community and watch enthusiasts everywhere, it was one of the most successful Kickstarter projects I have ever seen.
  Simple Yet Elegant
      The simplicity of this watch amazes me. The simple, yet very elegant design of this device makes for one sexy wrist watch. It's sleek body and comfortable wrist strap seem to be very attracting to the public. The simplicity of this product will also turn some tech enthusiasts away, from a UI standpoint. I have not had a hands on trial ( although very few people have ), but I have seen enough to make my initial statement about this UI. While it is a smartwatch, the interface is very simple. VERY simple. For some, this may be a turn off due to the inability to 'fool around' with different settings, etc. For me, and the many others like me, this is just another factor to love. With an easy to use interface, I will have very little to learn. I don't like learning curves much. So all this did was add to the craving I had for this small piece of hardware.
      There are a few standout initial features of the Pebble Smartwatch. The feature that students ( Such as myself ) will love is the ability to view your text messages and get a little bit of vibration action when you receive one.  You can't reply to them, but you can sure see them on a brilliantly clear E-Paper display. This E-Paper reduces glare drastically, and just looks great to the eye. Another great feature is the ability to integrate incoming calls, email, and for us Android users, Google Voice. A few different faces to this watch are available for user enjoyment. Analog, digital, and even a text based clock face. To get the back light on this bad boy on, all you do is shake and bake it!.. Or just lightly shake it. Many small features will be available on this device, such as a pedometer and golf rangefinder. Just one more feature to this watch, and my personal favorite... You can sync your music with it! You still plug your headphones into your mobile device, but you can change the song, view what your listening to, play/pause, and perform all those necessary playback tasks.  This could come in handy on runs, or even if your just to lazy to take your phone out of your pocket. A developer option is or will soon be available to create Bluetooth compatible applications and additional faces.
When can you pick these Pebbles up?
      Well, the first model of this watch was unveiled at CES 2013. The company will be shipping this version to all the Kickstart backers starting on January 23rd. As for the rest of us, the exact release date is unknown thus far. It was originally set for September, but has changed since then. Although, I believe it is worth the wait. With a 7+ day battery life, and a USB rechargeable battery, I suggest that everybody should try this item out. For more information, photos, pre-orders, and to keep an eye out for the official release date visit .

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