
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gadgetech: Google Nexus 4 Back on the Market!


 At long last! The Google Nexus 4 is back on the market! This phone started shipping last November, and was out of stock almost as quickly as it was made available. This great new device has been craved by many consumers since it's unfortunate disappearance.

According to Their Calculations... 
      Google's calculations on the initial sale of this device were WAY off, and not just by a little bit. MILLIONS of consumers are left without this phone because of their poor estimates. The blame for this was initially pointed at LG, who is the manufacturer of this device. Why would they be to blame, if they were just following orders?! Silly internet...

WOW! That's a Steep Ramp!
      While LG was blamed for the shortage of the Nexus 4, they are also the only solution to the problem. LG has announced that they have, and will continue to ramp up production of the device to meet the demands of the consumer. Well isn't that just great! No sarcasm intended, that is some of the best news that I have heard in a while. One of those consumers is me, and I am eagerly awaiting my opportunity to get my hands on this product!

Hallo Aus Deutschland!
      For anybody who didn't hurry to put that into Google Translate, that means "Hello from Germany!". Why is this placed in the middle of my post? Well, Germany is the only place that still had (emphasis on had) the Nexus 4 in stock! Germany still has the device in stock, but it is now available in both the US and Canada. For those of you looking to order this device, check out the links at the end of this post. There will be two links to the Google page to purchase the unlocked model from them (both 8gb and 16gb). In addition to this, there will also be a link to the T-Mobile website where you can purchase this device for a subsidized price with a new 2 yr. Agreement. I'm not sure if that applies to an upgrading two year agreement, you will have to look into that at checkout.
      Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for availability updates for the Nexus 4!

Google Nexus 4 8gb:

Google Nexus 4 16gb:

T-Mobile Nexus 4:

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