
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Feelings About Ubuntu for Tablets

  Canonical released more information on Ubuntu powered tablets following the "tablet time" countdown yesterday. I was really excited to see that HTC had almost the exact same countdown clock as Ubuntu did. My thoughts were that maybe they had a full fledged Ubuntu tablet coming down the line already, but sadly the did not. Ubuntu did release Ubuntu FOR tablets though. That for in the midst of the title is what gives me conflicting feelings about this new interface...Read More

The Future of this Blog

  Hey guys, I just wanted to give everybody a little bit of information about the future of this blog. As you have probably noticed, my last few posts have only been via Wire Munch or SFI. This is for good reason. I have slowly been weening myself away from posting to much direct content to this blog. Why is this? Well, because I am taking this blog in a new direction in order to pursue different things in my life.
   I have decided that I would like to focus a lot more time into Wire Munch and my designing. Don't get me wrong, I love blogging still, and will be doing that with the majority of my time, just not to this blog directly. I am a graphic designer first and foremost, but also a blogger. I design and write at Wire Munch, and a little bit at SFI two days a week. this blog will not be going anywhere, just the experience will change.

  What do I mean by "change"? What I mean is that the title, purpose, and audience will change. I am turning this site into more of a tech information hub. When I post, I will be sharing that post here, but just a preview like you have seen in my last posts. The title will be changed soon, but that is the main purpose. So don't leave, just get ready for some changes. The YouTube channel will not fall, though. I will be posting more on that come March. Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Android 4.2.2 Initial Impressions

  Yesterday (February 13, 2013) Google began rolling out an Android 4.2.2 to all of the Nexus devices. This update was performed generally OTA (Over The Air), so it reached different places at different times. My initial impression of this process was that it took a while to reach me on my Nexus 7. So long actually, that it was 12:15 EST of today before I got it. I was getting relatively irritated and  anxious for my turn to have a go at the newest version of Android... Read More

Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Update

The update to my Nexus 7 is very very snappy. Be sure to check out my full post on the initial responses to the update tomorrow on! Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rumor: Is the Apple Smartwatch on its Way?

   Apple has not released much information regarding its smartwatch, which I will will refer to here forth as the "iWatch". But, in a post earlier this week from Bloomberg they state that the device may in fact be past the initial stages of experimentation...Read More

Monday, February 11, 2013

Nike's Relationship With Google

Nike recently announced that they will not be bringing native support for their Nike+ products to the Android platform. Why is this? It could be due to the already ready to go system support for Apple, or maybe it's due to the fact that Tim Cook is on Nike's board of directors! **conspiracy alert**.... Read More

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ubuntu Phones Coming in October

 Canonical has recently reported that it's 'Ubuntu Phone' is expected to hit the market in October of this year. These Linux-powered devices are expeced to make a huge initial impact on the "superphone" market. With an almost completely gesture based interface, this OS should be very interesting to play around with...Read More

Nexus 7 Setup: February 2013

My home screen setup for February 2013! Decided to go landscape mode for this month.

Nexus 7 Setup: January 2013

This is my Nexus 7 home screen setup for last month. I am currently working on this months setup.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Android: What's Your Flavor?

  Why is Android so complicated? Not necessarily to use, but to find the best variation of it. In the world today there are billions of smartphones being used, and almost all of them have a different skin or set of skins provided by the phones manufacturer. More important than all the tens of thousands of skins, is the multiple versions of Android.... Read More

New Blogging Schedule/Announcments

    Hey there everybody! I haven't posted in a few days as you can see. I was going through some things but it's all good now and I am back! While I was away, I planned out my new blogging schedule. No worries, I will still be posting every Monday-Thursday BUT a little bit differently.

    As I said in a previous post, I am now designing for, and along with that I am posting on their blog every once and a while. Also, I am writing for my buddy Curtis over at SFI. I will be doing that every Monday and Wednesday. I actually just posted a blog around 20 minutes ago about the many versions of Android. Check that out! Anyways, with me designing pretty frequently now I find myself strapped for time to write on both his blog and my own. That said, I will not be posting directly to this blog on those two days. I will be leaving a snippet of my post on SFI here with a 'read more' link at the end, which will in turn transfer you to the post on his blog. This helps both him and I.

    So just a couple of announcements and changes, not to big of a deal. I'll still be writing and posting, just in a little bit of a different fashion. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 1, 2013

It's here! My Design Portfolio and Services Website

    The time has come! The first edition of the website has officially launched. Why do I say "first edition"? Well the reason is that the domain is not in it's final stages! I am working on purchasing an official domain for the site. Please check it out, and tell me what you think. Among the pages at the top of the screen is a $5 design tab, as this is the service that I am providing. I have a full blog on that service, as well as all of the information you need right on that page! Head on over to and take a look!